PROJECT 01 - Route 13 Salisbury Md - Canal Woods to Hospital
This is where it all began. Upon moving to Salisbury in September 2020 I began walking my new neighborhood in Canal Woods. I was alarmed by the amount of trash I saw on the roadways, the parking lots, and the train tracks going through town. 1 bag became hundreds of off bags and the journey to clean Salisbury began. This website was created by my daughter Madeline on November 28th. The Faunce Foundation is named in honor of my parents who both passed away earlier in the year. My mother Sandra Faunce passed in her sleep on January 20, 2020. Soon after my father Irvin Faunce Jr. passed away due to COVID complications on May 26, 2020. My brother Glenn, daughter Madeline, and I all have been infected with COVID during this year. After the move to Salisbury, I wanted to work on strengthening my heart as COVID really knocked me backwards. In July 2017 I went through a triple coronary bypass. I told someone on Facebook this is my exercise like Rocky hitting meat I pick up stuff. On the plus side, my gym is free and always open. I guarantee you if you start you will not stop all you have to do is ask Carolyn.
MEMBERSHIP IS FREE! OPEN TO ALL! The story continues to this day and will continue until Salisbury is the cleanest in Maryland.